HAM Radio 3.2
Ham Radio Version 3.2 (Chestnut CD-ROMs)(1993).ISO
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290 lines
# HC.CFG 911010
# HamComm 2.0 sample configuration file
# HamComm will automatically search for this file on program startup.
# The current directory is searched first, then all directories along
# the current "PATH" environment variable.
# The character '#' starts a comment. All characters up to the end of
# the line are ignored, including the '#' character itself.
# Numbers are normally entered in decimal notation, but you can also
# use hexadecimal values starting in '0x'.
# Setup serial ports
# HamComm maintains an internal table of available serial ports.
# Every port has a unique base port address and interrupt request line.
# Up to four ports can be defined. On startup the table looks like this:
# iobase irq
# COM1 0x3f8 4
# COM2 0x2f8 3
# COM3 0 0
# COM4 0 0
# COM1 and COM2 are predefined to their standard values.
# COM3 and COM4 are undefined.
# Undefined ports can not be selected from the 'Port' menue.
# Let's assume we have a non-standard serial port at address 0x2E8 (hex)
# using interrupt request 5. The following 'define port' statement will
# make this port available as COM4.
define port com4 iobase 0x2e8 irq 5
# We can also redefine any port using the 'define port' statement.
# For the following example let's assume we have a mouse connected to
# COM1, so we don't want HamComm to fool around with that port.
# The following statement will reset the base address and irq for COM1
# to protect the mouse driver. COM1 is now no longer available from
# the 'Port' menue.
define port com1 iobase 0 irq 0
# At startup HamComm normally uses COM2. This can be changed with
# the 'select port' statement. Undefined ports can not be selected.
select port com4
# Set startup audio center frequency for receive and transmit tones.
# You may select any value between 500Hz and 2000Hz (default is 700Hz).
set afcenter 750
# Set startup audio frequency shift between mark and space tones.
# You may select any value between 25Hz and 999Hz (default is 170Hz).
set afshift 170
# While AFC (Automatic Frequency Control) is turned on, the audio center
# frequency will automatically follow the input signal during RTTY reception.
# Disable AFC for now.
set afc off
# When the TX data buffer runs empty during transmit mode, HamComm will
# automatically start sending idle characters. This feature is normally
# disabled but can be activated using the following command:
set diddle on
# For some PAs (power amplifier) there should be a delay time between
# activation of the PTT line and the RF signal from the transmitter.
# This delay time is controlled by the PADELAY parameter. When switching
# to TX mode HamComm activates the PTT line immediately, but the speaker
# output will not be enabled before the specified number of milliseconds
# have elapsed. Since most HamComm users probably don't have a PA or have
# a PA that doesn't require the delay, PADELAY is set to 0.
set padelay 0
# The transmitter needs a little time to start after we pull the ptt line.
# Set the TXDELAY to the number of milliseconds required.
# 30ms should be enough for almost any modern transceiver.
set txdelay 50
# Now specify the time to wait after TXDELAY until we send out
# the first character. Time for your qso partner to tune in.
set txwait 2000
# Set the number of bytes for the receive buffer.
# All characters received are first put into this buffer by the
# interrupt routines. When the TTY functions are active they
# are removed from the buffer and displayed in the RX window.
# The size of the receive buffer should not exceed 65000 bytes.
set rxbuffersize 256
# Set the size of the transmit buffer.
# All characters to be transmitted are first copied from the TX window
# into the transmit buffer. The transmit routine will remove them
# from the buffer one at a time and send them to the speaker output.
# The size of the transmit buffer should not exceed 65000 bytes.
set txbuffersize 10000
# Set the number of lines for the receive window buffer.
# This is not the window size on the screen, but the number of received
# lines that can be rolled back. For each line about 160 bytes of
# memory are required. Use the SYSTEM entry from the INFO menue to
# display the size of free memory.
set rxwindowlines 50
# Set the number of lines for the transmit window buffer.
set txwindowlines 50
# Set the maximum transmit line length. Lines on old mechanical TTY
# maschines are somewhat less than 80 characters long.
set txlinelength 66
# Define the end-of-text character. HamComm will automatically return to
# receive mode when the transmit routine reads this character from the
# tx buffer. The character can be specified as decimal number, hex number
# or as the character itself.
# Examples: set endoftext 230 # use the greek letter for 'micro'
# set endoftext 0x7F # use the DEL character (control-backspace)
# set endoftext "ß" # this is handy for german keyboards
# The end-of-text feature can be disabled by using the value 0.
set endoftext 0x7f # control-backspace
# Define some standard texts. They can be selected for transmission
# from the 'Text' menue. The texts labelled SHIFT_Fxx can also be send
# by pressing the corresponding function key.
# Double quotes (") are only required if the string contains spaces
# or the comment character (#).
# \# will be replaced with the current QSO count.
# \+ increments QSO count, then just like \#.
# \d will be replaced with the current date and time.
# \e will be replaced with the currently selected end-of-text character.
# \n starts a new line.
# A text can be included in another text by surrounding its name
# with '~' (tilde) characters. If the name starts with an AT sign (@)
# HamComm will look for a file with that name. See 'station.txt' for an
# example. Note that the text in the included file can itself include
# other texts or files. Make sure that there are no circular references!
# Define text elements for function keys SHIFT_F01 - SHIFT_F10.
define text SHIFT_F01 " ryryryry cq cq cq de ~mycall~ ~mycall~ ~mycall~"
" ~mycall~ ~mycall~\n"
define text SHIFT_F02 " ryryryry ~call~ ~call~ ~call~"
" de ~mycall~ ~mycall~ pse k k k\n\e\n"
define text SHIFT_F03 " ryryryry ~call~ de ~mycall~\n"
define text SHIFT_F04 " back to you ~name~... ~call~ de ~mycall~ pse k k k\n"
define text SHIFT_F05 ~@station.txt~
define text SHIFT_F06 " de ~mycall~\ntnx... 599 \+ 599 \# 599 \#\nbk bk "
define text SHIFT_F07 " ~call~"
define text SHIFT_F08 " ~mycall~"
define text SHIFT_F09 "ryryryryry"
define text SHIFT_F10 " pse k k k\n"
# Define other text elements
define text banner "\noooo o ooooo o o ooooo ooo"
"\no o o o o o o o o"
"\no o o oooo o ooo o"
"\no o o o o o o o"
"\noooo ooooo oooo o ooooo ooo\n"
define text mycall dl5yec
define text myname django
define text myqth paderborn
define text mylocator jo41jr
# The text "mylocator" is also used by the QTH distance/direction calculator.
# Some standard phrases
define text std01 " tnx for answering my call."
define text std02 " my name is ~myname~ ~myname~ ~myname~."
define text std03 " my qth is ~myqth~ ~myqth~ ~myqth~"
define text std04 " locator is ~mylocator~ ~mylocator~"
define text std05 " your report is "
define text std06 " how do you copy ?"
define text std07 " tnx for the nice qso and hope to cuagn."
define text std08 " 73 es 55 to you ~name~ and your family."
define text std09 " the weather today is "
define text std10 " the temperature is abt "
define text std11 " and now i'll get me another beer. "
# Ignore rest of config file
73 es 55 de Django